TATWEER Academy MSME Training and Capacity Building

TATWEER Academy MSME Training and Capacity Building:

Whilst some larger-scale projects have aimed to bridge growing economic divides and subsequent marginalisation through cash injections, TATWEER Academy’s approach is based on growing individual’s mindsets through training that demonstrates a strong contextual knowledge and understanding of the local market, community-specific needs and a holistic approach to development delivered by highly educated, industry leaders with first-hand knowledge and experience of start-up micro and small businesses that have gone on to grow substantially – both locally, regionally and internationally – that’s what makes TATWEER Academy’s MSME training different.

Standard and internationally accepted themes and topics are present within the TATWEER Academy MSME training curriculum, but vast experience and knowledge of contextual realities, ensures a curriculum delivery that is tailored, differentiated and expertly-matched to the real needs of individual communities accounting for their histories, main industry and sectors of economic growth, MSME potential, and importantly, cultural differences and variances that may persist region to region. Additionally, TATWEER Academy recognises there are several cross-cutting themes that must be addressed in provisioned trainings and capacity building, including, but not limited to: gender equity, conflict resolution and resource management through inclusive community based approaches.

MSME Training Programs available, are based on current and in-demand industries and sectors across Iraq. Whilst this list in not exhaustive, it does serve to demonstrate that TATWEER Academy’s capacity is extensive and meets the needs of participants regardless of their background, experience and chosen industry.

TATWEER Academy specialises in MSME training and development for:

  • agriculture
  • manufacturing
  • technology
  • business
  • tourism
  • health
  • alternative energy
  • water management

As noted, TATWEER Academy’s MSME capacity building and training programs are always tailored to meet needs, therefore trainings range from intensive week long programs, to more comprehensive 6 week programs. Where required, trainings ‘group’ sector and industry MSMEs together to support TATWEER Academy’s collaborative and inclusive training methodologies and approaches which prioritise discussion, interactivity, use and application of real case studies and practical examples. Comprehensive needs assessments pre-training, and monitoring and evaluation post-training ensures training and development programs are always carried out to the highest standard.

TATWEER Academy’s MSME Capacity Building and Training topics include:

  • entrepreneur mindset
  • business plan writing
  • project cycle management
  • access to finance and internal finance management
  • human resources management
  • product and service development
  • marketing and sales strategies
  • MSME mentoring
  • access to markets
  • government policy for MSMEs
  • customer management
  • technology for MSMEs